On 24/02/16 11:49, Trevor Vaughan wrote:
I'm also a fan of per module which can override a global setting.

If it could be part of the metadata.json, that would be ideal and would
allow for attestation on the Forge if appropriate.

The global --strict=off should override any module-level setting.

I have been thinking about this for a bit now. Unfortunately it is going to be very difficult to achieve any sort of "per module" handling of strictness. While it can be applied statically to parsing, most of the deprecations are about semantic problems that occur at evaluation time and in places where there is absolutely no clue about the origin of the logic - or for that matter a mix of modules and data sources that together resulted in a state that in the future will be an error.

I think we will start with just a global --strict flag that can be used in combination with tools like puppet parser validate at authoring time to catch problems. In production I think you always set --strict=off since you must already have reviewed and tested the logic that is in production, being reminded about warnings for all nodes every 30 minutes is not really what you want.

It makes a lot of sense to set it per environment. We do have issues with that though; when you want to treat things differently in development and production as you must modify a file that is checked in and you must remember to not check in the settings that are only applicable when an environment is in test or development state. Still better than just a global flag.

- henrik


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