2008/11/24 Alan Sparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Are there any examples of how something like this would work?  Can't
> seem to grasp it from documentation, how I could creat a tag like
> "apache_broken" and apply that to something that would force a restart
> of the service.  The issue is, "ensure" is not adequate, since the
> service could appear to be running but is actually failing...
> Thanks for the hint.
> -Alan

There are a couple of things you could do here.  If your service appears to
be running but isn't, you might just want to write an init script that does
a better job of determing the status.   You could also specify a command to
run to verify status with the 'status' option[1] for the service type, eg
you could run whatever check your monitoring system runs locally.

Failing that, you could do something like this:

class apache {
    # do your normal apache things
    # including starting the service:
    service { "apache": ensure => 'running' }


class apache::forcerestart inherits apache {
    exec { "killall -9 httpd":
       before => Service["apache"],

then from puppetrun you could just do:

puppetrun -t apache::forcerestart <host where apache is not running

If there were any other common fixes for why the service might all of the
sudden stop working you could impliment them in the apache::forcerestart


[1]: http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/TypeReference#service

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