
I am looking for recipe or some hints to a recipe that can help me
achieve the following

I have about 300 servers of different functions. To make it easy I
decided to keep multiple group dirs based on the
function and have hosts,passwd,users,sudoers file located inside those
function dirs, like the following. In this
example dns is the function of the hosts listed w/ fqdn in the hosts
file. The passwd and shadow are going to be
same as the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow file for all these hosts, same
for sudeors.  users is list of users. may have no purpose
right now.

(root)@puppetmaster:/path/to/groups# ls -lR dns/
total 11
-rw-------    1 root     other           1 Aug 23  2005 hosts
-r--r--r--    1 root     other          33 Aug 22  2005 passwd
-r--------    1 root     other          31 Aug 22  2005 shadow
-r--r-----    1 root     root          546 Aug 27  2005 sudoers
-rw-r--r--    1 root     other         152 Feb 21  2006 users

currently, I have a test site.pp like this

# site.pp

node basenode {
        case $hostname {
                puppet-test: {}
                default: {}

node 'puppet-test' {
                include dns
                include sudo

class dns_users {
        @user { "testuser":
                ensure => "present",
                uid     => "102",
                gid => "1",
                comment => "test user",
                home => "/home/testuser",
                shell => "/bin/bash",
                managehome => "true",

class dns {
        include dns_users

class sudo {
    file { sudoers: # a common title for all platforms
        path => $operatingsystem ? {
            solaris => "/opt/csw/etc/sudoers",
            default => "/etc/sudoers"
        owner => root,
        group => root,
        mode => 440,
        source => "puppet:///sudo/sudoers"

Instead of creating 300 manifests and that many more users in the
class and/or @users I like to see if there is maybe a template can be
So when the puppet client comes to puppetmaster, based on the fqdn of
the host it will be assigned as part of a group. Then based on the
group it will receive specific sudoers file and a list of users will
be created based on the values in passwd and shadow files.

Looking for recipe to achieve that.


Asif Iqbal
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