Asif Iqbal wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 1:57 AM, David Schmitt<> wrote:
>> Asif Iqbal wrote:
>>> So I think I should start small and simple and it may grow to a
>>> solution that will be really useful to others.
>>> Lets start w/ real basic.
>>> I have 300 hosts. I like a push a user to about 100 hosts (dns
>>> resolver type hosts) out of 300 total.
>>> How do I set that up within puppet ?
>> The very simplest stuff:
>> | node "dns1", ..., "dns100" {
>> |       user { "foo": ... }
>> | }
> this recipe worked perfect. I have seen the links you posted below and
> I like to use them
> slowly. I will move to that direction gradually.
> For now, the user account created perfectly. Here is the complete recipe
> (root)@sys-ubuntu:/etc/puppet/manifests# cat site.pp
> # site.pp
> # the .pp extension is default and not needed to add
> node "puppet-client1","puppet-client2",..."puppet-client10" {
>       user { "testuser":
>               ensure => "present",
>               uid     => "102",
>               gid => "1",
>               comment => "test user",
>               home => "/export/home/testuser",
>               shell => "/bin/bash",
>               managehome => "true",
>       }
> }
> How do I add this user to User_Alias TESTUSERS in the sudoers file on
> all these hosts?
> Without puppet I would ssh in to all the hosts and run `visudo' and
> add the user in that User_Alias.
> I looked at the puppet recipe where sudeors file is kept in puppet
> server and is pushed to
> the puppet clients. For this I need to edit the sudoers file and my
> recipe depends on it.
> I like it more dynamic. I want puppet client to run the visudo and
> append the user in User_Alias.
> This way even if my environment grows I don't have to manage multiple
> sudoers file on puppet master.

Since there is currently no native sudo type I know of, I'd recommend 
using the concatenated_file and concatenated_file_part defines[1] from 
my "common" module[2]. Using them you can build your sudoers file on the 
nodes from a locally editable header and various parts from your manifests:

class sudo {
        concatenated_file { "/etc/sudoers": }

class admin1 {
        user { admin1: }
        concatenated_file_part {
                        dir => "/etc/sudoers.d",
                        content => "..."

node ... {
        include admin1

Regards, DavidS


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