On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Michael DeHaan
<mich...@reductivelabs.com> wrote:

> With Puppet, if you're just learning it, what were some of your stumbling
> blocks?   If you are an existing user, think back to that time, or times
> when you were talking with new users?

#1 has to be variable scope and the inability to redefine variables.
     That and the knock on impact on things like inheritance,
     and the need for storeconfigs to 'know about' the variables of
another node.
#2 is the difficulty to test manifests reliably (the reliance on Facts
makes it tricky to even syntax
     check recipes without actually running it on a node). Makes #1
more of an issue.
     I keep getting bitten by interactions between modules, so it
needs to be some sort of integration
#3 is a best practice guide - e.g. is it best to have a separate class
heirarchy per OS / role, or fill
     your modules with case statements?

There are solutions/mitigations to all of these issues, the trouble is
there seem to be several solutions to all these issues :)

Oh, and while I'm posting, congratulations on the new job, Michael :)
of these :)

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