What about a screencast series?

On Feb 2, 6:08 pm, Michael DeHaan <mich...@reductivelabs.com> wrote:
> Just one more email and I'll let you go for a few hours :)
> One of the things I like to see in apps is that they are immediately
> intuitive and easy to use for new users.  I think Puppet is really good
> here, but there's opportunity to make everything better.   We want
> everyone to love Puppet from their first few minutes using it, all the
> way through to datacenter nirvana.
> With Puppet, if you're just learning it, what were some of your
> stumbling blocks?   If you are an existing user, think back to that
> time, or times when you were talking with new users?
> One of the ideas I had from cobbler was "cobbler check" which was a tool
> you could run to identify some of these problems.   I'm not sure if it
> makes sense for Puppet, but it may do some things like say "you appear
> to have DNS problems resolving this, you should try..." and so forth.  
> What else might there be?   Obviously one of the things I'm going to be
> looking for are what questions keep coming up on IRC ... Are there
> mainly questions around puppetca?   Should scaling be easier to set up
> out of the box and in the default configuration (right after RPM or deb
> install)?
> Are there easy additions or changes to the software we can make to make
> error messages clearer and self-resolving?   Obvious things in the
> documentation/manpages we can clean up?    (Aside:  I think Puppet
> Dashboard has a LOT of opportunity to help with this too, so watch this
> space!)
> I'm going to be looking into this myself, but I'd love to hear from
> you.   Any and all data is welcome.   (If you'd prefer to reply
> personally or talk over IRC, that's fine too.)
> Thanks!
> --Michael

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