Michael DeHaan wrote:
Just one more email and I'll let you go for a few hours :)

One of the things I like to see in apps is that they are immediately intuitive and easy to use for new users. I think Puppet is really good here, but there's opportunity to make everything better. We want everyone to love Puppet from their first few minutes using it, all the way through to datacenter nirvana.

With Puppet, if you're just learning it, what were some of your stumbling blocks? If you are an existing user, think back to that time, or times when you were talking with new users?

One of the ideas I had from cobbler was "cobbler check" which was a tool you could run to identify some of these problems. I'm not sure if it makes sense for Puppet, but it may do some things like say "you appear to have DNS problems resolving this, you should try..." and so forth. What else might there be? Obviously one of the things I'm going to be looking for are what questions keep coming up on IRC ... Are there mainly questions around puppetca? Should scaling be easier to set up out of the box and in the default configuration (right after RPM or deb install)?

Are there easy additions or changes to the software we can make to make error messages clearer and self-resolving? Obvious things in the documentation/manpages we can clean up? (Aside: I think Puppet Dashboard has a LOT of opportunity to help with this too, so watch this space!)

I'm going to be looking into this myself, but I'd love to hear from you. Any and all data is welcome. (If you'd prefer to reply personally or talk over IRC, that's fine too.)



Hey Mike, SSLSSLSSLSSLSSL... SSL, it 'makes my brain bleed' as plathrop of digg once said.

SSL has probably caused more suicides than drugs, first semester at MIT, and chronic depression combined. I'm not sure anything can be done about it though, that is the sucky part. I'm not sure any programmatic check is going to solve the difficulties associated with SSL auth. Maybe better error messages such as CN does not match DNS name, rather than whatever it says now (can't even remember).

Everything has already been mentioned in this thread that stumps beginners, but as far as troubleshooting, RI Pienaar (Volcane) wrote up the best puppet troubleshooting doc I have seen yet as a blog post over at devco.net. I think maybe RL should ask him if they can throw it on the wiki or something.

Joe McDonagh
AIM: YoosingYoonickz
IRC: joe-mac on freenode
L'ennui est contre-révolutionnaire

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