Thanks you both for the answers, I'm going to spend some time parsing them

Let me clarify - I'm not looking for help or consulting in implementing
Puppet on a particular site right now. The objective of my work now is just
to make the company aware this exist and see if it is something useful to
have in our arsenal, so to say. So my request is not for somebody to help me
migrate to Puppet - is to just have a chat (30 minutes or less) with
somebody that is actually using it and get the feeling of the tool being
used as part of your workflow, not just learning the syntax of the language
and things like that.

I'm suso on IRC so probably you will see me there pestering you :-P

How do you deal with dynamic changes or process (been a theme of discussion
>> lately here) and having Puppet enforcing a "state"?
> One time activities are usually not done via puppet, and most people use
> ssh for this kind of things.
> Puppet goal is to enforce a state, so that's the default behavior.

Yes, but with this kind of automation tools there is always the worry that
whatever manual work you are doing now is going to be obliterated later or
interfered during your work. So I guess if you have are a "Puppet shop", you
have a different way to go about things that if you just have N servers
around handconfigured and go SSH for everything. When you get a request or
find the need to do a change, you try to see if its something to change on a
manifest,or just a one time task to run in between puppetd runs, or to have
an schedule defining a maintenance window, or... Do changes get to the
"Puppet admins"  first to check that? I guess having your infrastructure
managed by Puppet makes you have to think more about what is that "state"
that you are mantaining and what are the deviations for that state that can
happen and how to manage them...


Jesús Couto F.

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