On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Douglas Garstang
<doug.garst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Brice Figureau
> <brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com> wrote:
>> On 10/03/10 18:58, Douglas Garstang wrote:
>>> We have puppet 0.24.8 running on multiple EIGHT core 3.16Ghz servers
>>> with 32Gb of RAM, and in each case puppet is taking longer and longer
>>> to run, as we have it control more. Currently it's taking up to 20
>>> minutes to perform a run.
>>> What approaches can I take to significantly reduce the time it takes
>>> puppet to run? It's ALSO sucking up an inordinate amount of CPU while
>>> it performs a run. The server is using passenger.
>> Where do you experience the issue: on the clients or on the master?
>> 0.25 highly improved the master performance and file serving.
> The issue is on the clients. The master seems fine. I'd like to avoid
> 0.25 for now, as I simply could not get the SSL keys to work with it
> the last time I tried and I can't risk production seems not being able
> to receive updates for days on end.

If the issue is on the clients, then ignore everything I said above :)

Are you sure the server isn't a bottleneck though? Does it look overloaded?

>> High cpu usage on the client is highly dependent on what you are
>> managing (ie most of the time is usually spent in other processes than
>> puppet, like package manager). Something that also can stress clients is
>> managing deep file hierarchies.
> We probably have some deep file hierarchies.
>> For high cpu usage on the master, you can try to:
>>  * disable storeconfigs or use thin_storeconfigs (0.25)
>>  * make sure your clients sleep longer than the default or use splay
>> times so they don't ask their catalogs at the same time
>>  * use a different ruby interpreter, and/or passenger
>>  * if you're doing tons of file serving, offload those to a static
>> server (see my last blog article in my signature). This will free your
>> masters to serve more catalogs per unit of time.
> The main isssue isn't even really the high CPU usage... it's just that
> the client takes 20 minutes to run. That's the really inconvenient
> bit. We aren't using storeconfigs. Putting config in a db is crazy. We
> only have a total of maybe a dozen machines running the client, so I
> doubt increasing the time between runs will make any difference. We
> ARE using passenger on the server (said that in my original post). Not
> doing tons of file serving... the master is not working anywhere near
> as hard as the clients.
> --
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