On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Brice Figureau
<brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com> wrote:
> On 10/03/10 22:06, Douglas Garstang wrote:
>> So, it became apparent to me, after emailing someone off list, that
>> managing a lot of files in deep directory structures might be part of
>> the cause.
>> We are running 10 instances of JBOSS and 10 instances of tomcat on
>> each of these servers. Don't ask me why, it's just the way it was done
>> before I arrived and changing it is not trivial.
>> On disk, each instance of JBOSS starts at
>> /opt/jboss/current/server/tfelN (where N is the instance number)
>> and each instance of tomcat starts at:
>> /opt/tomcat/tfelN/starterkit/current (where N is the instance number)
> Do you source the whole hierarchy?
> Or do you only manage it?
>> I manually looked through the puppet config and counted 25 unique
>> files that are being managed for jboss and tomcat within these paths.
>> If you do the math, 25 x 10 x 2 = 500. That's therefore (currently)
>> 500 unique files that are being managed in these deep directory
>> structures. Could that potentially be the reason behind puppets crap
>> performance?
> What do you manage for those files?
> But no, 500 doesn't seem like a high number to me.
> You mentioned in another e-mail in this thread that the problem is more
> the 20 minutes run than the CPU.
> Could it be possible you have many "slow" execs?
> Or you manage many packages?
> This also reminds me Ohad's bug:
> http://projects.reductivelabs.com/issues/1719
> At this stage you should probably run puppetd on the console in --debug
> to see what happens (and run with --summarize too) and if it stalls.

I just ran puppet in debug mode and it was obvious that most of the
puppet run time was spent in checksumming files.


Creating checksum {md5}f5d16bcc20b92631eb59514018fd34e5

... takes a long time to run. Multiple that by several hundred files...

However, when I run this on the command line:

... the result is instananeous... So... is puppet using a ruby library
for performing md5 checksums? Is that where the performance bottle
neck could be?


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