On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Geoff Crompton
<geo...@trinity.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> seph wrote:
>> Geoff Crompton <geo...@trinity.unimelb.edu.au> writes:
>>> This might be a crazy idea, but it just popped into my head, and I
>>> wanted to know if it's possible. Perhaps not possible right now, but
>>> possible in a theoretical sense.
>>> Is it possible that puppet could be modified to be used to manage
>>> switches that have a command line based interface?
>> I think there's a lot of value in configuration management system for
>> network stuff. Though I don't think puppet is a good fit. Puppet has
>> lots of types that don't really make sense in that context.
>> http://www.netomata.com is the most recent thing I've seen in this
>> space. I'm not sure how far along they are.
>> seph
> I posted a similar question on sage-au just after my puppet post. Someone
> pointed me to http://www.netomata.com. While it looks like it has a little
> way to go, it looks so good that it deflated my enthusiasm for using puppet
> for this. Naturally TMTOWTDI.
> --
> +-Geoff Crompton
> +--Debian System Administrator
> +---Trinity College

Just to add a similar 'this would be neat' comment to it, I know
several of the Cobbler guys have talked about wanting to see a
"libswitch" kind of similar to a libvirt.

If we had such a thing, making a Puppet type for it seems quite logical.

This sounds like it would be along similar lines.

Next steps:   X-10 home automation hooks :)


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