It looks like mysql::database is not loading at all -- it's being
skipped entirely.

The camptocamp MySQL module relies on a facter plugin *and* a puppet
plugin for its functionality.

In order for this to work, you have to ensure that the plugins
propagate from the Puppetmaster to the client.  I scratched (banged)
my head on this one for a while until I ran the Puppet daemon on my
Puppetmaster.  It said, "Ooh, plugins!!!" and copied them all from
their respective module directories into
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/[parser,provider,type] and everything
suddenly started working on the next go-round.

In retrospect, this makes sense since the Puppetmaster's the one
generating these manifests, and if it doesn't know about the plugins
it can't parse the manifests fully.  But on the other hand, it makes
no sense that the Puppetmaster relies on a run of the Puppet daemon in
order to get things placed in the right section of the hierarchy.

So I suggest that you make sure that you have the mysql_*.rb types,
providers and parsers in your client *and* puppetmaster's libdir.
Running puppet on my puppetmaster made things a bit wonky for me as
I'd been making a lot of config tweaks to get everything up and
running without keeping manifests up to date.  So yeah, that kind of
clobbered some of my puppetmaster configs and I had to rebuild a bit.

Hope this helps.  FWIW, I am using this module on CentOS and it's
working for me, so just hang in there -- you'll get it!

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 2:29 PM, bowlby <> wrote:
> btw, this is my log:
> debug: Failed to load library 'selinux' for feature 'selinux'
> debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: file /usr/bin/
> dscl does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file roleadd does
> not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderLdap: true value when expecting
> false
> debug: Failed to load library 'ldap' for feature 'ldap'
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
> debug: /File[/etc/puppet/puppet.conf]: Autorequiring File[/etc/puppet]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/public_keys]: Autorequiring File[/var/
> lib/puppet/ssl]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys]: Autorequiring File[/
> var/lib/puppet/ssl]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/client_yaml]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/
> puppet]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/
> puppet]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/public_keys/puppettest.pem]:
> Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/public_keys]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/graphs]: Autorequiring File[/var/
> lib/puppet/state]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests]: Autorequiring
> File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem]: Autorequiring File[/
> var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/puppettest.pem]:
> Autorequiring File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/classes.txt]: Autorequiring File[/
> var/lib/puppet/state]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml]: Autorequiring File[/
> var/lib/puppet/state]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/facts]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/
> puppet]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/crl.pem]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/
> puppet/ssl]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/
> puppet/ssl]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppettest.pem]: Autorequiring
> File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private]: Autorequiring File[/var/lib/
> puppet/ssl]
> debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/clientbucket]: Autorequiring File[/var/
> lib/puppet]
> debug: Finishing transaction -610424768 with 0 changes
> debug: Using cached certificate for ca, good until Sun Jul 12 19:07:56
> UTC 2015
> debug: Using cached certificate for puppettest, good until Sun Jul 12
> 19:07:56 UTC 2015
> debug: Loaded state in 0.01 seconds
> info: Retrieving plugin
> debug: Using cached certificate for ca, good until Sun Jul 12 19:07:56
> UTC 2015
> debug: Using cached certificate for puppettest, good until Sun Jul 12
> 19:07:56 UTC 2015
> debug: Using cached certificate_revocation_list for ca, good until
> debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw
> yaml; using pson
> debug: Finishing transaction -610639268 with 0 changes
> debug: Executing '/etc/puppet/etckeeper-commit-pre'
> info: Loading facts in mysql
> info: Loading facts in acpi_available
> info: Loading facts in munin_interfaces
> info: Loading facts in mysql
> info: Loading facts in acpi_available
> info: Loading facts in munin_interfaces
> sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number
> debug: catalog supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw yaml;
> using pson
> info: Caching catalog for puppettest
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFreebsd: file /usr/sbin/
> pkg_delete does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUp2date: file /usr/sbin/up2date-
> nox does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAptrpm: file rpm does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRpm: file rpm does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUrpmi: file rpm does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: file rpm does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPortage: file /usr/bin/emerge
> does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderSunfreeware: file pkg-get does
> not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRug: file /usr/bin/rug does not
> exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderGem: file gem does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderHpux: file /usr/sbin/swlist does
> not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderSun: file /usr/sbin/pkgrm does
> not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPorts: file /usr/local/sbin/
> portversion does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderOpenbsd: file pkg_delete does
> not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFink: file /sw/bin/fink does not
> exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderRedhat: file /sbin/chkconfig
> does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderRunit: file /usr/bin/sv does not
> exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderLaunchd: file /bin/launchctl
> does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderDaemontools: file /usr/bin/svc
> does not exist
> debug: Puppet::Type::Service::ProviderGentoo: file /sbin/rc-update
> does not exist
> debug: Creating default schedules
> debug: Finishing transaction -610106008 with 0 changes
> debug: Loaded state in 0.01 seconds
> debug: Prefetching apt resources for package
> debug: Executing '/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status} $
> {Package} ${Version}\n''
> debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderApt: Executing '/usr/bin/dpkg-
> query -W --showformat '${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n''
> debug: //mysql::server/Service[mysql]/require: requires Package[mysql-
> server]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld]/require: requires File[/
> etc/mysql/my.cnf]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld]/notify: subscribes to
> Service[mysql]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/replication]/require: requires
> File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/replication]/notify: subscribes
> to Service[mysql]
> debug: //mysql::server/File[/root/.my.cnf]/require: requires
> Exec[Initialize MySQL server root password]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/client]/require: requires File[/
> etc/mysql/my.cnf]
> debug: //mysql::server/Exec[Initialize MySQL server root password]/
> require: requires Package[mysql-server]
> debug: //mysql::server/Exec[Initialize MySQL server root password]/
> require: requires Service[mysql]
> debug: //mysql::server/Exec[Initialize MySQL server root password]/
> notify: subscribes to Exec[Generate my.cnf]
> debug: //augeas::debian/Package[augeas-tools]/before: requires File[/
> usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib]
> debug: //mysql::server/User[mysql]/require: requires Package[mysql-
> server]
> debug: //mysql::server/File[/var/lib/mysql]/require: requires
> Package[mysql-server]
> debug: //mysql::server/File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]/require: requires
> Package[mysql-server]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/performance]/require: requires
> File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/performance]/notify: subscribes
> to Service[mysql]
> debug: //augeas::debian/Package[augeas-lenses]/before: requires File[/
> usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib]
> debug: //augeas::debian/Package[libaugeas0]/before: requires File[/usr/
> share/augeas/lenses/contrib]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe]/require: requires
> File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]
> debug: //mysql::server/Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe]/notify: subscribes
> to Service[mysql]
> debug: //mysql::server/Exec[Initialize MySQL server root password]:
> Skipping automatic relationship with File[/root/.my.cnf]
> debug: //mysql::server/File[/var/lib/mysql]: Autorequiring User[mysql]
> debug: //mysql::server/File[/usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib/
> mysql.aug]: Autorequiring File[/usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib]
> info: Applying configuration version '1279301348'
> debug: //mysql::server/File[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]/seltype: SELinux
> bindings not found. Ignoring parameter.
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe](provider=augeas): Opening augeas
> with root /, lens path /usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib/, flags 0
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe](provider=augeas): Augeas version
> 0.7.0 is installed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe](provider=augeas): Will attempt to
> save and only run if files changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'set' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld_safe/pid-file", "/
> var/run/mysqld/"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'set' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld_safe/socket", "/
> var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe](provider=augeas): Skipping becuase
> no files were changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld_safe](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas
> connection
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): Opening augeas
> with root /, lens path /usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib/, flags 0
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): Augeas version
> 0.7.0 is installed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): Will attempt to
> save and only run if files changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/key_buffer"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/
> max_allowed_packet"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/table_cache"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/sort_buffer_size"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/read_buffer_size"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/
> read_rnd_buffer_size"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/net_buffer_length"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/
> myisam_sort_buffer_size"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/thread_cache_size"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/query_cache_size"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/
> thread_concurrency"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/thread_stack"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqldump/
> max_allowed_packet"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/isamchk/key_buffer"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/isamchk/sort_buffer_size"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/isamchk/read_buffer"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/isamchk/write_buffer"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/myisamchk/key_buffer"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/myisamchk/
> sort_buffer_size"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/myisamchk/read_buffer"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/myisamchk/write_buffer"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): Skipping becuase
> no files were changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/performance](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas
> connection
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/client](provider=augeas): Opening augeas with
> root /, lens path /usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib/, flags 0
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/client](provider=augeas): Augeas version 0.7.0 is
> installed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/client](provider=augeas): Will attempt to save
> and only run if files changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/client](provider=augeas): sending command 'set'
> with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/client/socket", "/var/run/
> mysqld/mysqld.sock"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/client](provider=augeas): Skipping becuase no
> files were changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/client](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas
> connection
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): Opening augeas
> with root /, lens path /usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib/, flags 0
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): Augeas version
> 0.7.0 is installed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): Will attempt to
> save and only run if files changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/log-bin"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/server-id"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/master-host"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/master-user"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/master-password"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): sending command
> 'rm' with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/report-host"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): Skipping becuase
> no files were changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/replication](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas
> connection
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): Opening augeas with
> root /, lens path /usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib/, flags 0
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): Augeas version 0.7.0 is
> installed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): Will attempt to save
> and only run if files changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): sending command 'set'
> with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/pid-file", "/var/run/
> mysqld/"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): sending command 'set'
> with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/old_passwords", "0"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): sending command 'set'
> with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/character-set-server",
> "utf8"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): sending command 'set'
> with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/log-warnings", "1"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): sending command 'set'
> with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/log-error", "/var/log/
> mysql.err"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): sending command 'set'
> with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/set", "log-slow-
> queries"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): sending command 'set'
> with params ["/files//etc/mysql/my.cnf/mysqld/socket", "/var/run/
> mysqld/mysqld.sock"]
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): Skipping becuase no
> files were changed
> debug: Augeas[my.cnf/mysqld](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas
> connection
> debug: Service[mysql](provider=debian): Executing 'ps -ef'
> debug: Service[mysql](provider=debian): PID is 5658
> debug: //mysql::server/Exec[Initialize MySQL server root password]:
> Executing check 'test -f /root/.my.cnf'
> debug: Executing 'test -f /root/.my.cnf'
> debug: //mysql::server/File[/var/lib/mysql]/seltype: SELinux bindings
> not found. Ignoring parameter.
> debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw
> yaml; using pson
> debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw
> yaml; using pson
> debug: Finishing transaction -610228298 with 0 changes
> debug: Storing state
> debug: Stored state in 0.05 seconds
> notice: Finished catalog run in 3.43 seconds
> debug: Executing '/etc/puppet/etckeeper-commit-post'
> On Jul 16, 9:26 pm, bowlby <> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> Thanks for your suggestion but it doesn't change the behaviour I see.
>> MySQL gets installed nicely, but the db's do not appear nor any error-
>> messages in the logfiles.
>> I use:
>> node 'puppettest' {
>> include mysql::server
>> include augeas
>> mysql::database {"tsdfsdf": ensure => present,}
>> }
>> On Jul 15, 5:15 am, "steve ." <> wrote:
>> > If you grab the Augeas module from the same source, that should
>> > satisfy the dependency...
>> > On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:11 AM, bowlby <> wrote:
>> > > Hi,
>> > > I tried the mysq-module (from
>> > > and it will install mysql but it won't create db's or users.
>> > > I had to create /usr/share/augeas/lenses/contrib, because the module
>> > > seems to expect it. Otherwise I get no error-logs, it just won't
>> > > create users or databases...
>> > > I'm running it on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, puppet 25.4.
>> > > Somebody having the same problems?
>> > > Thanks!
>> > > btw, this is what I use to test:
>> > > node 'puppettest' {
>> > > include mysql::server
>> > > mysql::rights {"Set rights for puppet database":
>> > >  ensure   => present,
>> > >  database => "puppesdfsdft",
>> > >  user     => "puppesdfs...@localhost",
>> > >  password => "puppsdfsdfdsfet"
>> > > }
>> > > mysql::database{"mysdfsdfsdfdb":
>> > >  ensure   => present
>> > > }
>> > > }
>> > > On Jun 21, 5:51 pm, David Schmitt <> wrote:
>> > >> On 5/19/2010 5:44 PM, Ken wrote:
>> > >> >> I found a github reference to a package that might do it
>> > >> >> ( but I can't understand
>> > >> >> what it is, how it works, or even what to do with it.
>> > >> > Hmm. How familiar are you with puppet modules? Not quite clear how
>> > >> > detailed we need to be here :-). Here is a doc that outlines them:
>> > >> >
>> > >> > Ordinarily you would drop this code into your 'module path' (by
>> > >> > default this is often /etc/puppet/modules). This would make it
>> > >> > available then for use in other code/manifests.
>> > >> > Assuming you are already okay with these aspects of puppet - here is
>> > >> > a sample manifest on how to use it for 1 system. I have a fork of
>> > >> > that code (its been around - I'm not even clear who wrote it first -
>> > >> > could have been David Schmidt:
>> > >> >;a=summary) so it may not work
>> > >> > exactly the same :-).
>> > >> Indeed, the mysql_* types were originially written by me.
>> > >> Best Regards, David
>> > >> --
>> > >> OG              Tel: +43 (0)664 2602670     Web:
>> > >> Klosterneuburg                                         UID: ATU64260999
>> > >>         FB-Nr.: FN 309285 g          FB-Gericht: LG Korneuburg
>> > > --
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>> > > Groups "Puppet Users" group.
>> > > To post to this group, send email to
>> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> > >
>> > > For more options, visit this group 
>> > > at
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Puppet Users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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