Check you environment path variable. Tar might not find something, most probably, the gzip executable (not 100% sure on this part). Usually if something doesn't work in specific cases, but it works in you bash console, you can make a safe bet on environment variables and/or running user.


On 14.09.2010 21:35, jerry wrote:
I do have a really strange issue with exec a tar command with puppet
2.6.0. If I run it with puppetmasterd I get the following error

Exec[extract-top]/returns) change from notrun to 0 failed: /bin/bash -
c '/usr/sbin/tar -xzvf /usr/local/src/top-3.7.tar.gz' returned 1
instead of one of [0] at /etc/puppet/modules/build/manifests/init.pp:

If I run the code manually with 'puppetd -t --debug' there are no
errors. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code:

# build::install { 'top':
#   download =>  '',
#   creates  =>  '/url/local/bin/top',
# }

define build::install ($download, $creates, $pkg_folder='',
$pkg_format="tar", $pkg_extension="", $buildoptions="",
$rm_build_folder=true) {

   if defined( Package['build-essential'] ) {
     debug("build-essential already installed")
   } else {
     package { 'build-essential': ensure =>  installed }

   $filename = basename($download)

   $extension = $pkg_format ? {
     zip     =>  ".zip",
     tar     =>  ".tar.gz",
     bzip    =>  ".tar.bz2",
     default =>  $pkg_extension,

   $foldername = $pkg_folder ? {
     ''      =>  gsub($filename, $extension, ""),
     default =>  $pkg_folder,

   $extractor = $pkg_format ? {
     zip     =>  "/usr/bin/unzip -q -d /usr/local/src",
     bzip    =>  "/usr/sbin/tar -xjf",
     default =>  "/usr/sbin/tar -xzf" ,

   # download is fine
   exec { "download-$name":
     cwd     =>  "/usr/local/src",
     command =>  "/usr/bin/wget -q $download",
     timeout =>  120,
     unless  =>  "test -f $creates",

   # here I always get an error
   exec { "extract-$name":
     cwd     =>  "/usr/local/src",
     command =>  "$extractor /usr/local/src/$filename",
     timeout =>  120,
     path    =>  "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/
     require =>  Exec["download-$name"],

   exec { "config-$name":
     cwd     =>  "/usr/local/src/$foldername",
     command =>  "./configure $buildoptions",
     timeout =>  120,
     require =>  Exec["extract-$name"],

   exec { "make-install-$name":
     cwd     =>  "/usr/local/src/$foldername",
     command =>  "/usr/bin/make&&  /usr/bin/make install",
     timeout =>  600,
     require =>  Exec["config-$name"],

   # remove build folder
   case $rm_build_folder {
     true: {
       notice("remove build folder")
       exec { "remove-$name-build-folder":
         command =>  "/usr/bin/rm -rf /usr/local/src/$foldername",
         require =>  Exec["make-install-$name"],
       } # exec
     } # true
   } # case


The code runs on a nexenta ncp 3.0 (SunOS) box. Any ideas?


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