Thanks Silviu, you was right, it is definitely a path problem with tar
and puppet seems to ignore the path (?)

I solved it by using gunzip and tar after another (piped):

  $unzip  = "/usr/bin/unzip"
  $tar    = "/usr/sbin/tar"
  $bunzip = "/usr/bin/bunzip2"
  $gunzip = "/usr/bin/gunzip"

  $extractor = $pkg_format ? {
    zip     => "$unzip -q -d $cwd $cwd/$filename",
    bzip    => "$bunzip -c $cwd/$filename | $tar -xf -",
    default => "$gunzip < $cwd/$filename | $tar -xf -"

  exec { "extract-$name":
    cwd     => "$cwd",
    command => "$extractor",
    timeout => 120, # 2 minutes
    require => Exec["download-$name"],

If anybody has a need for a build module, please feel free to download
it from github:

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