Thanks for your tip! Path is set early in base inheritance class to:

Exec { path => "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/
sbin:/sbin" }

But even if I set this path env var in the exec block it fails:

  # here I always get an error
  exec { "extract-$name":
    cwd     => "/usr/local/src",
    command => "$extractor /usr/local/src/$filename",
    timeout => 120,
    path    => "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/
    require => Exec["download-$name"],


    loglevel  => verbose,
    logoutput => true,

Doesn´t give any additional output. I´m a little loss with it...

On 14 Sep., 22:45, Silviu Paragina <> wrote:
>   Check you environment path variable. Tar might not find something,
> most probably, the gzip executable (not 100% sure on this part). Usually
> if something doesn't work in specific cases, but it works in you bash
> console, you can make a safe bet on environment variables and/or running
> user.
> Silviu

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