On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 11:26:36AM -0800, Russell Perkins wrote:
> I get this error when I run puppet site.pp --noop
> warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set on line 31
> in file /etc/puppet/modules/puppet/manifests/server/mysql.pp
> Storeconfigs IS set on...in like line 22 of my node file. I modified
> to the line to read  $puppet_storeconfigs = "no" and it still threw
> that error.
> This puppet stuff all brand new to me despite going to puppetcamp and
> really I have no clue at all what I'm doing, so any advice is much
> appreciated. (and yes I have read all the documentation)
> --- Here is my mbsbooks.com.pp node file
> node 'puppet.mbsbooks.com' inherits prod {
>     $puppet_allow = [ "mbsbooks.com" , "" ]
>     $puppet_nodetool = "dashboard"
>     # $puppet_nodetool = "foreman"
>     # $puppet_externalnodes = "no"
>     $dashboard_db = "mysql"
>     $puppet_storeconfigs = "yes"
>     $puppet_db = "mysql"
>     $puppet_db_server = "localhost"
>     $puppet_db_user = "puppet"
>     $puppet_db_password = "PASSWORD"
>     include role::puppet
> }

At first: It's normal that your storeconfig database is empty. Puppet
will create the right tables as soon as the first clients wants to store
data in it.

But you have to set configs in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf, not in your

If you're using a recent puppet version (>=2.6.0) you have to put the
config in a [master] section (not [puppetmasterd])


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