
Am Wednesday 08 December 2010 11:00:11 schrieb Patrick:
> The best answer is usually, "install Augeas when you install Puppet".  If
> that's not possible, I know of two options: 1) Custom fact wrapper
> 2) Use a bootstrap enviroment and don't have your client leave it without
> Augeas.

Do you know a link to an example for such a "Custom fact wrapper?"

> Aside from that, your catalog should compile fine without Augeas on the
> client.  Are we talking about the server here?

Hm. I dont know what you mean. If I just do: 

include class_using_augeas

for all clients, those which don't have augeas installed run into the 
error "could not run puppet configuration client: could not find a default 
provider for augeas".

I thought that this is a client error message? My Server does have augeas 

With my solution above I can switch off manually those classes 
like "class_using_augeas". But It looks like that it must be easy to 
implement a check for such requirements directly into puppet, maybe with a 
fact (as you mentioned above). Thats why I asked this question, because I 
dislike my manual solution.

Best regards,


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