On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 20:01, Derek J. Balling <dr...@megacity.org> wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2011, at 9:38 PM, Bostjan Skufca wrote:
>> Would anyone else fancy a wildcard path expansion in module path
>> specification?


> There are a couple potential caveats to that, the most serious being sort 
> methodology for the wildcard expansion. It would have to be deterministic in 
> terms of "always being sorted the same way" (because a straight wildcard 
> expansion will present the various directory items in essentially random 
> order).
> If you care about in what order things are in the path, then it would be a 
> bad idea to use, but if the sort-methodology is well documented so nobody is 
> surprised, then it should be fine. (IMHO)

I completely agree: Bostjan posted the patch to the dev list for
review, and I followed up with that exact suggestion there; the
version that merges will have documented and reliable semantics. (I
like alphanumeric sort as well, but maybe someone else has a better
suggestion. :)

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