On Mar 31, 3:46 pm, Forrie <for...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That doesn't work - I still get the same type of errors, with
> something like this:
>     file {  "/usr/local/nagios": ;
>             "/usr/local/nagios/libexec":
>                 requires => File['/usr/local/nagios'],
>                 owner    => 'root',
>                 mode     => 655,
>                 group    => 'root',
>                 ensure   => directory,
>     }
> It says that require is an invalid parameter.

Puppet is right (but you have quoted its message incorrectly).  The
metaparameter is spelled "require", not "requires", and use of the
latter spelling will cause Puppet justifiably to complain about an
invalid parameter.

> Here is the full output of the log errors:
> Mar 31 16:43:02 my-server puppet-agent[28997]: Starting Puppet client
> version 2.6.4
> Mar 31 16:43:03 my-server puppet-agent[28997]: Could not retrieve
> catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid parameter
> requires at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/nagios-test.pp:26 on node my-
> server
> Mar 31 16:43:03 my-server puppet-agent[28997]: Using cached catalog

Note that that is warning you that whatever changes you made to your
manifests, Puppet is not using them.  Instead, it is using the most
recent catalog it successfully retrieved (c.f. "cached").

> Mar 31 16:43:04 my-server puppet-agent[28997]: (/Stage[main]/Nagios-
> test/File[/usr/local/nagios/libexec]) Failed to generate additional
> resources using 'eval_generate': Error 400 on SERVER: Not authorized
> to call search on /file_metadata/usr/local/nagios/libexec-empty with
> {:checksum_type=>"md5", :recurse=>true, :links=>"manage"}
> Mar 31 16:43:04 my-server puppet-agent[28997]: (/Stage[main]/Nagios-
> test/File[/usr/local/nagios/libexec]) Could not evaluate: Error 400 on
> SERVER: Not authorized to call find on /file_metadata/usr/local/nagios/
> libexec-empty Could not retrieve file metadata for
> puppet:///usr/local/nagios/libexec-empty: Error 400 on SERVER: Not
> authorized to call find on /file_metadata/usr/local/nagios/libexec-
> empty at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/nagios-test.pp:17
> Mar 31 16:43:04 my-server puppet-agent[28997]: (/Stage[main]/Nagios-
> test/File[/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nfs_mounts.sh]) Dependency
> File[/usr/local/nagios/libexec] has failures: true
> Mar 31 16:43:04 my-server puppet-agent[28997]: (/Stage[main]/Nagios-
> test/File[/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nfs_mounts.sh]) Skipping
> because of failed dependencies
> Mar 31 16:43:04 my-server puppet-agent[28997]: Finished catalog run in
> 0.30 seconds

As Marek already wrote, it looks like you have a permissions problem.
Whatever user the puppetmaster is running as must have read permission
on all the files you want it to serve, and must have both read and
execute permissions on all the directories in your recursive tree and
all the ancestor directories of its root.  If you have additional
access controls active (e.g. SELinux) then those must also permit the
puppetmaster user to read all the files and traverse the directory


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