I found that the file struct under /etc/puppet/files was owned by root
(oops, fixed).


in using this method outlined earlier, I'm still not able to get the
desired result:

>     file {  "/usr/local/nagios": ;
>             "/usr/local/nagios/libexec":
>                 requires => File['/usr/local/nagios'],
>                 owner    => 'root',
>                 mode     => 655,
>                 group    => 'root',
>                 ensure   => directory,
>     }

Mar 31 17:11:06 test-fms puppet-agent[29221]: (/Stage[main]/Nagios-
test/File[/usr/local/nagios/libexec]/ensure) change from absent to
directory failed: Cannot create /usr/local/nagios/libexec; parent
directory /usr/local/nagios does not exist

I find this very confusing - perhaps it's simpler to 'exec' a 'mkdir -
p' in here as a dependency if the structure doesn't exist?

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