
This is all wonderfully helpful and I just spent a little time writing
up a Zenoss processor to send an event on failure using
XMLRPC::Client, modeled directly after your puppet-zendesk module,
replacing the HTTParty guts with XMLRPC guts. I've encountered a
problem though (and we can refer to puppet-zendesk code):

When I stuff a fail() into a manifest and run, it fails, sends a
report to the PM, and the PM logs this:

Report zenoss failed: undefined method `status' for

The line in question is from zendesk.rb:25

    if self.status == 'failed'

So, it's breaking there, but when I replace self.status with "var" and
var = 'failed', bypassing the if, the rest of the code works and the
event appears in zenoss.

I'm running 2.6.4 on the master & client. pluginsync is true on both,
and reports = zenoss only on the master for this test.

Why is self.status not working for me?

On May 31, 8:09 am, James Turnbull <ja...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> On my TODO list for about a year now has been a tutorial on how easy it
> is to write Puppet report processors and how much more you can do with
> them than just email/log/store Puppet report data.  Rather than write a
> whole tutorial I decided to create a whole series of examples of report
> processors that should:
> a) Provide some immediate solutions that you can deploy right now, and
> b) Provide good examples of things you can do with report processing
> that you can take, fork and modify.
> All of them are released under the Apache 2.0 license.
> In that spirit I've created ten new report processors:
> 1. Reports failed runs to an IRC channel 
> -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-irc
> 2. Reports failed runs and logs to PagerDuty 
> -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-pagerduty
> 3. Reports failed runs to Jabber/XMPP -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-xmpp
> 4. Reports failed runs to Twitter -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-twitter
> 5. Reports failed runs and logs to Campfire 
> -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-campfire
> 6. Reports failed runs to Twilio -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-twilio
> 7. Reports failed runs to Boxcar -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-boxcar
> 8. Reports failed runs to HipChat -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-hipchat
> 9. Sends metrics to a Ganglia server via gmetric 
> -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-ganglia
> 10. Reports failed runs to Growl -https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet-growl
> Comments, feedback, testing and ideas for other integrations all welcomed.
> Regards
> James
> --
> James Turnbull
> Puppet Labs
> 1-503-734-8571

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