I don't have any lines like that no.

Could the daemon line for puppetmaster be effecting this?  Is the "--
reports" option necessary since my puppet.conf has that specified?

PUPPETMASTER_EXTRA_OPTS="--reports puppet_dashboard --debug"

Other than that and my puppet.conf I haven't found any further
configurations I've implemented effecting use of reports

- Trey

On Jun 8, 10:57 am, James Turnbull <ja...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> treydock wrote:
> > My [master] has :
> >     report = true
> >     reports = http, store, xmpp
> >     pluginsync = true
> > The [agent] includes:
> >    report = true
> >    listen = true
> >    pluginsync = true
> > The second agent I tested with also has the same configuration as the
> > above [agent]
> > Correct, the xmpp.yaml has all that information.  What I was asking
> > about the remote client not having mail.yaml is I enabled pluginsync
> > on the remove client to see if the results would differ and it failed
> > stating the mail.yaml was missing (locally on the client).  But if the
> > repots = xmpp is only defined for [master] then should I not include
> > "pluginsync = true" on the clients?
> So you don't have anything like the line:
> "Sending status for name.of.host to XMMP user jabber.user"
> in your Puppet master syslog.
> Regards
> James
> --
> James Turnbull
> Puppet Labs
> 1-503-734-8571

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