I recently upgraded my Puppetmaster to 2.7.1, and am now having what
seem to be random puppet run failures on almost all my nodes.  All
nodes except the actual puppetmaster are running 2.6.8.  Right now I
will get alerted about a failure, then log into that system and do a
manual run, which will succeed.  Then maybe a few hours later another
run will fail, and nothing has changed on the puppetmaster.

So far two modules seem to be the most frequent failures.  Here's the
error from puppet-dashboard on a 2.6.8 client

err     Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Could not find class zabbix::agent for puppetclient0.domain
at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:177 on node puppetclient0.domain
Puppet                  2011-07-12 05:04 CDT
err     Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run        Puppet                  
2011-07-12 05:04
notice  Using cached catalog

That module is a bit large to paste in here, but it can be viewed at

The other failures are on similarly designed modules and I've also
noticed that one very basic modules seem to be failing randomly on two
clients, both are 2.6.8

err     Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
SERVER: Could not find class kvm::host for puppetclient1.domain at /
etc/puppet/manifests/roles.pp:35 on node puppetclient1.domain   Puppet
2011-07-12 05:08 CDT
err     Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run        Puppet                  
2011-07-12 05:08
notice  Using cached catalog


Here's the module...

# manifests/init.pp
import "classes/*.pp"

class kvm {

# manifests/classes/host.pp
class kvm::host {

    package {'libvirt':
        ensure => installed,

    service {
            enable  => true,
            ensure  => running,
            require => Package['libvirt'];

    logrotate::file { 'libvirtd':
        log         => '/var/log/libvirt/qemu/*.log',
        interval    => 'weekly',
        rotation    => '52',
        archive     => 'true',
        minsize     => '100k',
        options     => [ 'missingok', 'notifempty', 'sharedscripts',
'dateext', 'copytruncate' ],


Is using an empty class in init.pp problematic ?  All of these modules
worked just fine before going from 2.6.8 to 2.7.1.

- Trey

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