I seem to be having a similar problem.

See this thread...


We're also using Mongrel, and while the values aren't empty, they are
plain wrong, at least for $puppetversion. The server and the client
both have puppet 2.7.3, and $puppetversion is expanding to 0.25.5 when
run through Mongrel. If I stop mongrel on the server, and run the
puppet master in standalone mode, it resolves to '2.7.3'.


On Aug 15, 11:15 am, "John T. Guthrie" <jguth...@book.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-08-12 at 14:31 -0400, John T. Guthrie wrote:
> > On Thu, 2011-08-11 at 17:45 -0500, Nan Liu wrote:
> > > On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 4:59 PM, John T. Guthrie <jguth...@book.com> 
> > > wrote:
> > Thank you very much for the quick response.
> > > > Hello all,
> > > > I am running puppet 2.7.1 with mongrel and an apache proxy.  I have been
> > > > seeing an issue where it appears that the puppetmaster is completely
> > > > ignoring any facts that are sent to it.
> > > > When a client connects, any configuration that relies on facts shows
> > > > those variables as being empty strings.  (I have been testing this with
> > > > a simple notify resource that prints out the IP address and the FQDN.
> > > > Both of these are coming up as empty strings.)  If I check the list of
> > > > facts for a node through the REST API, it comes up as an empty list.
> > > > Moreover, /var/lib/puppet/facts is persistently empty.  This has been
> > > > happening with every client that I have checked.
> > > Can you show your puppet manifests? Are you using $::ipaddress $::fqdn?
> > Here is the manifest code that I have been using for testing:
> > notify {
> >     "Echo-IP":
> >         message  => "IP = $ipaddress",
> >         withpath => true;
> >     "Echo-fqdn":
> >         message  => "FQDN = $fqdn",
> >         withpath => true;
> > }
> > And here is the resulting output when I run puppetd --test:
> > notice: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-fqdn]/message: FQDN =
> > notice: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-fqdn]/message: defined 
> > 'message' as 'FQDN = '
> > info: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-fqdn]: Scheduling refresh 
> > of (completed_Subversion::Server)
> > notice: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-IP]/message: IP =
> > notice: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-IP]/message: defined 
> > 'message' as 'IP = '
> > info: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-IP]: Scheduling refresh 
> > of (completed_Subversion::Server)
> > So no, I'm not using the $::ipaddress form of the facts.  Should I be?
> > I take it that this is a change since 0.24 or 0.25.  (When I was last
> > working with puppet.)
> > When I change one of the resources to read:
> > "Echo-IP":
> >         message  => "IP = $::ipaddress",
> >         withpath => true;
> > I still get the same result:
> > notice: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-IP]/message: IP =
> > notice: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-IP]/message: defined 
> > 'message' as 'IP = '
> > info: /Stage[main]/Subversion::Server/Notify[Echo-IP]: Scheduling refresh 
> > of (completed_Subversion::Server)
> > > > If run a packet capture on the puppetmaster paying attention to the
> > > > puppetmaster ports, then I definitely see the puppetmaster receive the
> > > > facts in b64_zlib_yaml format.  I can even decode the facts string and
> > > > get the correct set of facts.  So the puppetmaster is definitely
> > > > receiving the facts.  However, in the same packet capture, I see the
> > > > puppetmaster return json for resources as if it had not received any
> > > > facts at all.
> > > > I have even gone so far as to blow away my entire /var/lib/puppet
> > > > directory (except for the ssl), and try starting fresh to no avail.
> > > > Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can fix this?  I am attaching
> > > > my puppet.conf in case that will help.  Thanks in advance for any advice
> > > > that anyone has.
> > > Use this tip and see what puppet facts you are getting back on master:
> > >http://www.puppetcookbook.com/posts/see-all-client-variables.html
> > When I check this, no facts show up.  Only variables that I have set
> > manually or variables set by the server, like $serverip.
> > > The facts you get from the client should also reside in
> > > $vardir/yaml/facts, and you can examine them to see what you have.
> > On the puppet master:
> > # ls -l /var/lib/puppet/yaml
> > total 4
> > drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Aug 11 15:48 node/
> > # ls -ld /var/lib/puppet/facts
> > drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Aug 11 15:32 /var/lib/puppet/facts/
> > #ls -l /var/lib/puppet/facts
> > total 0
> > On the puppet client:
> > # ls -l /var/lib/puppet/yaml
> > ls: /var/lib/puppet/yaml: No such file or directory
> > # ls -l /var/lib/puppet/facts
> > total 0
> > From what I can see, facts aren't being stored anywhere.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Nan
> > Thank you very much for all of your help so far.
> > Sincerely,
> > John Guthrie
> > jguth...@book.com
> Hello all,
> I just tried this on an old testing machine that was running puppet
> 2.7.0.  (The above was on 2.7.1)  I have confirmed again that the puppet
> master is receiving the facts on the wire, however at some point they
> are being discarded.  I spent several hours this last week going through
> code trying to find where they were disappearing to no avail.  Could
> someone please give me a pointer to where in the code, the puppet master
> reads the catalog request off of the wire, so I can start tracing it's
> data path through the code?  (Or if someone has a better idea for doing
> this, I'd be open to that too.)
> Thank you very much.
> John Guthrie
> jguth...@book.com
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