On 06/19/2012 04:48 AM, Eric Shamow wrote:
> Jo,
> Let's not make this personal.  You don't know how old I am or what
> infrastructures I've managed.
> You don't need to use Hiera.  You can use any data lookup tool you like
> to do the same thing.
> What you are seeing is not an official stance of any kind, it's a
> spontaneous community reaction.  People aren't agreeing with you, which
> means you aren't arguing effectively.
> Instead of making the case that someone else should do this, I recommend
> that you code up a solution and issue a pull request.  If the code looks
> valuable it can then be managed like any other feature or code request
> in Puppet.  
> Clearly the community is not crying out for the solution as you've
> enunciated it.  Maybe you've enunciated it poorly.  In that case, write
> something to fix it and some demo usage.  Code wins arguments.

Aptly put.

Please stop accusing us of being ignorant of your problems (we are, so
yes, we are going to discuss this from a lot more academical position
than you are). I also find the notion that the suggestion to submit a
patch was an implied "eff off" mildly offensive.

I will argue the design principle of the very "replace" parameter and
this whole business all day long, but if there's code, and there is
someone needing and using the code (and most importantly, a puppetlabs
maintainer who will merge it)...well, there it is then.

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