On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Ken Dreyer <ktdre...@ktdreyer.com> wrote:
> Like you mentioned, I too would like to hear more from Puppet Labs' staff on
> where they see the Module culture going.

Hi everyone, sorry for the tardy reply. I wanted to see what everyone
had to say before 'weighing in'.

My answer to this is a bit complicated but I'll try to be succinct. As
you deduced Ken, modules on the Puppet Forge are name-spaced as
author-module_name. A module installed into ones modulepath strips
away author and leaves module_name. So if you were going to package
them (and please feel free to!), you'd be looking at something like
puppetmodule-puppetlabs-mysql for our MySQL module. Yep, it looks a
bit silly but becomes less so when you look at non-PL modules. For
instance, puppetmodule-rcoleman-mysql makes a lot more sense.

Doing something like Debian alternatives is an interesting idea but
isn't something feasible today. If Puppet Labs produces
puppetlabs-mysql and I produce rcoleman-mysql, you as the consumer
have zero assurance that they provide the same functionality. The
Puppet Labs variant could manage the full stack while mine could just
install the package. If we were in a situation where we could describe
a modules functionality in factual terms to automatically make claims
about whether two MySQL modules are equivalent, perhaps this could
work but that's not something we can do nor do I see being possible in
the platform anytime soon.

On the other hand, once you get to a point where you can say the
Puppet Labs MySQL module and the rcoleman MySQL module provide the
same functionality, why bother having two? I'd much rather see the
module community coalesce around modules that claim to do similar
things, combine ideas from different groups and offer everyone one or
two modules that do a thing very well. In that scenario, everyone gets
the functionality they want and packaging becomes a less complicated
chore. Namespace is still important so that core authors can be
credited and everyone has an opportunity to put their module ideas out
there. The core set of high-quality modules don't even have to be in
the Puppet Labs namespace. Remember, we know Puppet, not all the
various applications you use and expertly manage.

Realistically, I intend to make an effort to encourage module
consolidation and collaboration and perhaps we can have some sort of
community ratings and review process to let the cream rise to the top,
identify the tasty, creamy modules and make those the ones that get
packaged by persons such as yourself.

As always, we welcome your input and just want to enable those
crafting modules and those consuming them to manage infrastructure and
solve problems.


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