I'm starting it by hand. It's the same process (pid 1845) that is nulling 
stderr that is writing to it, so it's not related to the way it's launched, 
--debug provides no help.

Using strace is not a long term solution. It was used to understand why Puppet 
keep failing silently. I still not know why it's failling. But I know why it's 
silent : error message going to /dev/null, instead of syslog.

Le 20 sept. 2012 à 21:23, Jo Rhett a écrit :

> Are you starting puppet by hand, or using service? Try doing it by hand.
> And you can always "strace -s 2048" and see the entire message.
> On Sep 20, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Fabrice Bacchella wrote:
>> I'm running puppet on a Centos 5.8
>> I'm trying to launch puppet as a daemon and it fail silently. --debug 
>> provides no help
>> So I tried to strace it, I'm getting this :
>> 1845  close(0)                          = 0
>> 1845  open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY)       = 0
>> 1845  close(1)                          = 0
>> 1845  open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0666) = 1
>> ...
>> 1845  dup2(1, 2)                        = 2
>> ...
>> 1845  write(2, "Could not run: Daemons must have"..., 58) = 58
>> | 00000  43 6f 75 6c 64 20 6e 6f  74 20 72 75 6e 3a 20 44  Could no t run: D 
>> |
>> | 00010  61 65 6d 6f 6e 73 20 6d  75 73 74 20 68 61 76 65  aemons m ust have 
>> |
>> | 00020  20 61 6e 20 61 67 65 6e  74 2c 20 73 65 72 76 65   an agen t, serve 
>> |
>> | 00030  72 2c 20 6f 72 20 62 6f  74 68                    r, or bo th       
>> |
>> 1845  write(2, "\n", 1)                 = 1
>> | 00000  0a                                                .                 
>> |

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