
I've been trying to implement a puppet definition that uses vcsrepo and 
notifies the caller through an update_notify parameter when the repository 
contents change on disk.  I have however found this very hard to accomplish.

Basically I am trying to pull down a git repo and when the head of the repo 
changes on the disk of the agent, run a build command (such as make) into a 
release directory.  So the system automatically tracks a branch or responds 
to changes in tags and the system automatically builds off of that 
information.  In order to allow for multiple types of build processes I am 
trying to notify other resources through the exec notify property.

My problem is this:

The only way to trigger the notification in a conditional manner that I 
have found is to use the onlyif or unless properties on the exec resource.  
Notifications still happen on the exec command even if the command fails so 
I can not use an inline command to notify or not (that I know of).  But the 
onlyif property which I have been trying seems to execute before any of the 
actual commands so it always runs before the vcsrepo update, which voids 
the intended purpose.  I can not use functions with a conditional because 
they are only run on puppet master and also suffer from the same issue 
where they run before any commands, and I can not use a fact because I need 
a directory parameter and it is also runs before any of the commands.

So I need a way to conditionally trigger a notify during the course of a 
execution run right after the vcsrepo gets done pulling down any updates.  
Does anyone know how I might accomplish this task through puppet?  So far 
nothing I have tried works.  I would think that this goal would not be that 
isolated (building a repository after and only after repository updates).  
In my case I normally build into release directories so absolutely can not 
afford to rebuild on every puppet execution which runs every 5 minutes.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


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