On 23/10/12 01:39, Nikola Petrov wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:09:45PM -0700, Bostjan Skufca wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm running into slow catalog runs because of many files that are managed. 
>> I was thinking about some optimizations of this functionality.
>> 1: On puppetmaster:
>> For files with "source => 'puppet:///modules...' puppetmaster should 
>> already calculate md5 and send it with the catalog.
>> 2: On managed node:
>> As md5s for files are already there once catalog is received, there is no 
>> need for x https calls (x is the number of files managed with source=> 
>> parameter)
>> 3. Puppetmaster md5 cache
>> This would of course put some strain on puppetmaster, which would then 
>> benefit from some sort of file md5 cache:
>> - when md5 is calculated, put in into cache, key is filename. Also add file 
>> mtime and time of cache insert.
>> - on each catalog request, for each file in the catalog check if mtime has 
>> changed, and if so, recalculate md5 hash, else just retrieve md5 hash from 
>> cache
>> - some sort of stale cache entries removal, based on cache insert time, 
>> maybe at the end of each puppet catalog compilation, maybe controlled with 
>> probability 1:100 or something
>> Do you have any comments about these optimizations? They will be greatly 
>> appreciated... really :)
>> b.
> Hi,
> When using puppet I found that it is a far better idea to serf files
> with something else. You will be far better with something else for this
> job like sftp or ssh. My conclusions just came from the fact that we
> were trying to import a big dump(2GB seems ok to me but who knows) and
> puppet just died because they are not streaming the file but it is
> *fully* loaded into memory.

This assertion is not true anymore since at least 2.6.0.
Also, for big files you can activate http compression on the client,
this might help (or not, YMMV).
Brice Figureau
My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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