I do see the that the client server pdlnx-pntp02.kareoprod.ent does have a 
certificate on the master under the directory /etc/puppet/ssl/ca/signed. 
Also the the puppet master I do not have auto-signing turned on. I have to 
run the puppet cert --sign <server name> command to create the certificate.
ll pdlnx-pntp02.kareoprod.ent.pem
-rw-r-----. 1 puppet puppet 1939 Nov 11 23:52 pdlnx-pntp02.kareoprod.ent.pem
On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 12:46:09 PM UTC-8, JGonza1 wrote:

> Added new clients that are behind a firewall and none of them are updating 
> with the configurations from the puppet master. I get the message below 
> from the client when I run command puppet agent --server 
> ct-eng-pup.caretools.ent --test. What ports need to be opened for client to 
> talk to puppet master. The puppet client had no problem get aa certificate 
> from the puppet client but it will not update.
> info: Caching catalog for pdlnx-pntp02.kareoprod.ent
> info: Applying configuration version '1351815499'
> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.10 seconds
> #
> On the puppet master on the 
> /var/lib/puppet/reports/pdlnx-pntp02.kareoprod.ent the transaction report I 
> am getting a lot of failed, see log below.
> --- !ruby/object:Puppet::Transaction::Report
>   configuration_version: 1351815499
>   environment: production
>   host: pdlnx-pntp02.kareoprod.ent
>   kind: apply
>   logs:
>     - !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Log
>       level: !ruby/sym info
>       message: Caching catalog for pdlnx-pntp02.kareoprod.ent
>       source: Puppet
>       tags:
>         - info
>       time: 2012-11-13 12:23:01.849547 -08:00
>     - !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Log
>       level: !ruby/sym info
>       message: Applying configuration version '1351815499'
>       source: Puppet
>       tags:
>         - info
>       time: 2012-11-13 12:23:01.886192 -08:00
>     - !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Log
>       level: !ruby/sym notice
>       message: Finished catalog run in 0.10 seconds
>       source: Puppet
>       tags:
>         - notice
>       time: 2012-11-13 12:23:01.987541 -08:00
>   metrics:
>     events: !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Metric
>       label: Events
>       name: events
>       values:
>         - - success
>           - Success
>           - 0
>         - - total
>           - Total
>           - 0
>         - - failure
>           - Failure
>           - 0
>     time: !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Metric
>       label: Time
>       name: time
>       values:
>         - - total
>           - Total
>           - 0.221700026885986
>         - - config_retrieval
>           - Config retrieval
>           - 0.221333026885986
>         - - filebucket
>           - Filebucket
>           - 0.000367
>     resources: !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Metric
>       label: Resources
>       name: resources
>       values:
>         - - changed
>           - Changed
>           - 0
>         - - failed_to_restart
>           - Failed to restart
>           - 0
>         - - restarted
>           - Restarted
>           - 0
>         - - total
>           - Total
>           - 7
>         - - out_of_sync
>           - Out of sync
>           - 0
>         - - failed
>           - Failed
>           - 0
>         - - skipped
>           - Skipped
>           - 6
>         - - scheduled
>           - Scheduled
>           - 0
>     changes: !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Metric
>       label: Changes
>       name: changes
>       values:
>         - - total
>           - Total
>           - 0
>   puppet_version: 2.7.19
>   report_format: 2
>   resource_statuses:
>     "Filebucket[puppet]": !ruby/object:Puppet::Resource::Status
>       change_count: 0
>       changed: false
>       evaluation_time: 0.000367
>       events: []
>       failed: false
>       file:
>       line:
>       out_of_sync: false
>       out_of_sync_count: 0
>       resource: "Filebucket[puppet]"
>       resource_type: Filebucket
>       skipped: false
>       tags:
>         - filebucket
>         - puppet
>       time: 2012-11-13 12:23:01.972617 -08:00
>       title: puppet
>     "Schedule[weekly]": !ruby/object:Puppet::Resource::Status
>       change_count: 0
>       changed: false
>       events: []
>       failed: false

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