On Thursday, September 19, 2013 1:12:22 PM UTC-5, Jeremiah Jester wrote:
> class log_special 
> ( 
> #log_special::log_vars: "test" 
> $log_vars=log_vars, 

Note that Puppet 3's automatic data binding will result in the value 
associated with key 'log_special::log_vars' being bound to parameter 
$log_vars here.  The default value will be used only if there is neither an 
explicit binding via the class declaration nor a value obtainable from 
hiera.  The value will be obtained from hiera via the plain hiera() 
function, but this will provide a hash if that's in fact the data type 
present in the data.


> #log_special::log_vars2: 
> #    b: 'fdsa' 
> #    c: 'fdsaaaa' 
> $log_vars2=hiera_hash('log_vars'), 

That's ok, but of questionable utility.  Also, only in those data-dependent 
cases where hiera_hash() may return a different value than hiera() does is 
it sensible.  Those cases involve the value being present at multiple 
levels in the data hierarchy.


> $log_vars2=$log_vars2['b'] 

That is broken, however.  You cannot declare the same parameter name twice 
(I'm surprised that Puppet does not diagnose it), plus, parameter default 
values cannot safely refer to other parameters of the same class, 
regardless of the order of the parameter list.


> ) 
> { 
>   exec{"log_vars": command=> "/bin/echo '${log_vars}'", logoutput=>true;} 
>   #Debug: Executing '/bin/echo 'test' 
>   exec{"log_vars2": command=> "/bin/echo '${log_vars2}'", 
> logoutput=>true;} 
>   #Debug: Executing '/bin/echo 'bfdsacfdsaaaa'' 
And those are also at least somewhat broken, as interpolating a hash into a 
string (the 'command' parameters) will cause it to be flattened.  
Therefore, you cannot determine from the result whether the variable that 
was interpolated was originally a string, or whether it was something 
else.  Supposing that you produced the output by declaring the class 
something like this

class { 'log_special':
  log_vars => 'test'

, and that the data are as you described in comments in your second post, 
the output looks reasonable.  I would say "looks as I would expect" if not 
for the weird extra appearance of $log_vars2 among the class parameters.


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