Unfortunataly I'm not able to establish the dependency:

define ensure_tomcats($tc_name, $tc_path, $version) {
  include tomcat::download

  download_tomcat{"tomcat $version": version => $version;}

      ensure  => present,
      owner   => $tc_name,
      group   => "app",
      recurse => true,
      require => Exec["$tc_name install"],

    exec{"$tc_name extract apache-tomcat-$version":
      command => "/bin/tar xfz 
      cwd     => "/usr/local/src",
      creates => "/usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-$version",
      user    => "root",
      require => File["download apache-tomcat-$version"],

class tomcat{

  class download {

    define download_tomcat($version) {
      file{"download apache-tomcat-$version":
        path   => "/usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-$version.tar.gz",
        ensure => present,
        owner  => root,
        group  => app,
        mode   => "0755",
        source => "puppet:///modules/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$version.tar.gz",

    ensure  => directory,
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "app",
    mode    => "0775",
    recurse => "true",

With this class puppet can't find the resource_type download_tomcat. 

Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2014 09:51:13 UTC+2 schrieb William Leese:
> Wouldn't it be easier to turn:
> file{"download apache-tomcat-$version" ...}
> into an Exec (curl/wget) with an unless parameter?

> or more like your original design, but limited: turn "define download" 
> into a class that installs only a single version (maybe a separate class 
> per major version, and just pull in the latest minor of that major release) 
> and use the include in your defines to avoid dupl resource errors.
> On Thursday, April 24, 2014 2:43:24 AM UTC+9, Björn Becker wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I fight with a tomcat module and try to ensure several tomcat instances:
>> node XY{
>>   include tomcat
>>     ensure_tomcats{
>>       "tomcat1":
>>         tc_name => "tomcat1",
>>         tc_path => "/app/tomcat1/tomcat",
>>         version => "7.0.53";
>>       "tomcat2":
>>         tc_name => "tomcat2",
>>         tc_path => "/app/tomcat2/tomcat",
>>         version => "7.0.53";
>> }
>> I guess that my module isn't best practice:
>> #cat tomcat/manifests/init.pp
>> define download($version=""){ 
>>     file{"download apache-tomcat-$version":
>>       path   => "/usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-$version.tar.gz",
>>       ensure => present,
>>       owner  => $tc_name,
>>       group  => app,
>>       mode   => "0755",
>>       source => "puppet:///modules/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$version.tar.gz",
>>     }
>> }
>> define ensure_tomcats($tc_name, $tc_path, $version) {
>>     download{"receive $tc_name $version":
>>       version => $version,
>>     }
>>     file{"$tc_path":
>>       ensure  => present,
>>       owner   => $tc_name,
>>       group   => "app",
>>       recurse => true,
>>       require => Exec["$tc_name install"],
>>     }
>>     exec{"$tc_name extract apache-tomcat-$version":
>>       command => "/bin/tar xfz 
>> /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-$version.tar.gz",
>>       cwd     => "/usr/local/src",
>>       creates => "/usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-$version",
>>       user    => "root",
>>       require => File["download apache-tomcat-$version"],
>>     }
>>     exec{"$tc_name install":
>>       command => "/bin/cp -r /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-$version 
>> $tc_path",
>>       cwd     => "/usr/local/src",
>>       creates => "$tc_path",
>>       user    => "root",
>>       require => [ Exec["$tc_name extract apache-tomcat-$version"], ],
>>     }
>>     file{"$tc_path/webapps/examples":
>>       ensure  => absent,
>>       force   => true,
>>       require => Exec["$tc_name install"],
>>     }
>>     file{"$tc_path/webapps/docs":
>>       ensure  => absent,
>>       force   => true,
>>       require => Exec["$tc_name install"],
>>     }
>>     file{"/app/para/$tc_name.para":
>>       ensure => present,
>>       owner  => "root",
>>       group  => "app",
>>       mode   => "0644",
>>       source => [ "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$tc_name.para.$::hostname", 
>> "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$tc_name.para" ],
>>     }
>>     user{"$tc_name":
>>       ensure           => present,
>>       home             => $tc_path,
>>       managehome       => true,
>>       groups           => "app",
>>     }
>>     file{"tomcat-users $tc_name":
>>       ensure => file,
>>       path   => "${tc_path}/conf/tomcat-users.xml",
>>       owner  => $tc_name,
>>       group  => "app",
>>       source => [ 
>>         "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$::hostname.tomcat-users.xml", 
>>         "puppet:///modules/tomcat/tomcat-users.xml",
>>       ],
>>       require => Exec["$tc_name install"], 
>>     }
>>     file{"server.xml $tc_name":
>>       ensure => file,
>>       path   => "${tc_path}/conf/server.xml",
>>       owner  => $tc_name,
>>       group  => "app",
>>       source => [ 
>>         "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$::hostname.$tc_name.server.xml", 
>>         "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$tc_name.server.xml",
>>         "puppet:///modules/tomcat/server.xml",
>>       ],
>>       notify => Service["$tc_name"],
>>       require => Exec["$tc_name install"], 
>>     }
>>     file{"manager web.xml $tc_name":
>>       ensure => file,
>>       path   => "${tc_path}/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml",
>>       owner  => $tc_name,
>>       group  => "app",
>>       source => [ 
>>         "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$::hostname.$tc_name.manager.web.xml", 
>>         "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$::hostname.manager.web.xml", 
>>         "puppet:///modules/tomcat/manager.web.xml",
>>       ],
>>       notify => Service["$tc_name"],
>>       require => Exec["$tc_name install"], 
>>     }
>>     file{"setenv.sh $tc_name":
>>       ensure => file,
>>       path   => "${tc_path}/bin/setenv.sh",
>>       owner  => $tc_name,
>>       group  => "app",
>>       mode   => "0750",
>>       source => [
>>       "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$::hostname.$tc_name.setenv.sh",
>>       "puppet:///modules/tomcat/$::hostname.setenv.sh",
>>       "puppet:///modules/tomcat/setenv.sh",
>>       ],
>>       require => Exec["$tc_name install"], 
>>     }
>>     file {"/etc/init.d/$tc_name":
>>       content => template('tomcat/tomcat_init.erb'),
>>       owner   => root,
>>       group   => root,
>>       mode    => 0755,
>>     }
>>     service{"$tc_name":
>>       ensure     => running,
>>       enable     => true,
>>       hasrestart => true,
>>       require    => [ File["$tc_path"], File["setenv.sh $tc_name"], 
>> File["manager web.xml $tc_name"], File["server.xml $tc_name"], 
>> File["/etc/init.d/$tc_name"], ],
>>     }
>> }
>> class tomcat{
>>   file{'/app/proc/tomcat':
>>     ensure => present,
>>     owner  => "root",
>>     group  => "app",
>>     mode   => "0750",
>>     source => "puppet:///modules/tomcat/tomcat",
>>   }
>> }
>> My problem is that if there're two tomcat instances with the same version 
>> the module try to download the apache-tomcat tarball every time. 
>> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
>> SERVER: Duplicate declaration: File[download apache-tomcat-7.0.53] is 
>> already declared in file /etc/puppet/modules/tomcat/manifests/init.pp:9; 
>> cannot redeclare at /etc/puppet/modules/tomcat/manifests/init.pp:9 on node 
>> YX
>> Thanks in advance
>> Björn

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