On Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:42:34 AM UTC-5, Felix.Frank wrote:
> Rule of thumb with defined types: Resources that those declare will want 
> to have the $title (or $name) or their enclosing defined type in their 
> title to avoid clashes. 
> download_tomcat { "tomcat-dl-for-$name": version => $version } 

Yes, but in this case there would still be a problem with that because the 
defined type manages a File whose path depends only on the tomcat version.  
That could be resolved by giving each tomcat instance its own, separate 
tomcat tarball.  That gets a bit messy, however, not to mention wasteful.

Personally, I'd have the tomcat instances share by declaring the tomcat 
distribution virtually, something like this:

define tomcat::dist() {
  $tc_name = "apache-tomcat-${title}"
  $tarball = "${tc_name}.tar.gz"
  $src_dir = '/usr/local/src'

  file{ "${src_dir}/${tarball}":
        ensure => present,
        owner  => root,
        group  => app,
        mode   => '0755',
        source => "puppet:///modules/tomcat/${tarball}",

  exec{"extract ${tc_name}":
      command => "/bin/tar xzf ${src_dir}/${tarball}",
      cwd     => ${src_dir},
      creates => "${src_dir}/${tc_name}",
      require => File["${src_dir}/${tarball}"]

class tomcat {
  # Better if the available versions were drawn from external data:
  $available_versions = ['6.0.39', '7.0.53', '8.0.5']

  # Virtual declaration(s):
  @tomcat::dist { $available_versions: }


# renamed from ensure_tomcats:
define tomcat::instance(
) {
  include 'tomcat'

  $tc_name = $title

  # Realize instead of declaring:
  realize Tomcat::Dist[$version]

  exec{"$tc_name install":
    require => Tomcat::Dist[$version]


node XY{
  # no need to "include tomcat" here
  tomcat::instance {
      tc_path => "/app/tomcat1/tomcat",
      version => "7.0.53";
      tc_path => "/app/tomcat2/tomcat",
      version => "7.0.53";


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