On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 9:23:49 AM UTC-5, Alex Scoble wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks for the info.
> By the way, I started using the inherit pattern with params because of the 
> myriad of Splunk modules out there that do it, including this one from 
> Puppet Labs https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-splunk

Where that PL module uses class inheritance, it is for one or both of the 
two reasons I gave earlier.

Some of the classes inherit class splunk::params in order to use variables 
of that class as default values in their own parameter lists.  Inheriting 
splunk::params ensures that that class has already been evaluated when the 
child class is evaluated.  Where the child classes in fact refer to 
variables from splunk::params, they do so via their qualified names.

The classes in the 'platform' subpackage inherit splunk::virtual.  They do 
so in order to override parameters of resources declared by 
splunk::virtual.  As far as I can tell, they do not refer to any of 
splunk::virtual's class variables via unqualifed names.

So actually, that module provides a pretty good example and model of 
several of my above points about class inheritance.  It does have a few 
flaws, though -- most notably, it parameterizes class splunk::params that 
is intended to be inherited.  Notwithstanding my practical arguments, the 
language reference explicitly forbids inheriting from parameterized 
so the PL crew really should know better.


> I understand why the pattern is used, it makes it a bit easier to deal 
> with variables, particularly with hiera.

If that's what you're gleaning from the PL module then no, it seems that 
you don't understand why the pattern is used (there).


> I also understand what you are saying. This is the sort of thing that can 
> drive one nuts, heh. It would be nice if there was only one way to do 
> things and the one way was also the right way, but such nirvana is hard to 
> find.

I do not claim to be keeper of the One True Way, but I am fairly well 
informed about this community's current opinions about best practices for 
Puppet manifest code (and at times I have disagreed with aspects of them).  
You will certainly code things as you think most appropriate, but you 
should make the best-informed decisions you can about how that actually 
is.  Myself, I am not much swayed by the "Somebody else is doing it" 


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