Chris, I sleep very well :). Our master is hourly backed up (the entire vm) 
and all configs go though git. Redeploying/restoring the master should be 
fairly quick (I have not tried though). Also, the way we use puppet, if it 
is down, it is no harm really. Only needed to push changes, which we don't 
do that often.

Ramin and Garrett, I was considering throwing more CPU at it, seeing how it 
is CPU bound, however the strace told me something else is a problem. And I 
finally solved it. The culprit was Ruby. Puppet agent runs used to take 
anywhere from 30 to 250 seconds depending on ... the weather? I'm guessing 
it depended on where in the queue they were. The VM cluster is not 
oversubscribed, and in fact I had the VM isolated on a single DL580 host 
for testing, just to make sure nothing is interfering.  I ended up compiled 
ruby 2.1.4, installed all the gems needed for foreman (about 75), and now 
have both foreman and puppet master running on ruby 2.1.4. My load average 
on the machine is now ~9 (down from about 17), requests in queue stays at 0 
almost all the time with the occasional "jump" to 20 - nothing like my 
constantly full queue.

So, hopefully this would be helpful for anyone who is trying to run puppet 
master on CentOS. 

And thank you guys, I have actually read both of those links before and 
when we add the rest of our infra, if we start hitting a bottleneck, I'll 
split the master and increase the CPU count.


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