how to run puppet agent using non sudo command

On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 1:04:47 AM UTC+5:30, Vince Skahan wrote:
> I just set up a couple 4.0.0 virtual machines, trying to follow the 
> installation instructions as-written on the website, and found some 
> confusing things.
> First - can somebody explain why you're referring to the software in docs 
> with one version (4.0.0) and you have a very different versioning for the 
> rpm/deb packages....and then the --version strings of the various utilities 
> in /opt/puppetlabs/bin report something very different from either the 
> 4.0.0 version 'or' the rpm/deb package versions.
> Is there a reason you're not packaging for the various distros using the 
> same version identifiers your code and docs seem to use ?  Seems like a 
> gratuitous obfuscation to me.   Why would you possibly have their major 
> versions so different from what 'foo --version' reports ?
> #------ (on centos server)
> # rpm -qa|grep -i pup
> puppetlabs-release-pc1-0.9.2-1.el7.noarch
> puppet-agent-1.0.0-1.el7.x86_64
> puppetserver-2.0.0-1.el7.noarch
> # puppet --version
> 4.0.0
> # cfacter --version
> 0.4.1 (commit e9333e184e57106f7ce3fb6b44b05656f417d245)
> # facter --version
> 2.4.3
> # hiera --version
> 2.0.1
> # mco --version
> /opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco 2.8.1
> # puppetserver --version
> puppetserver version: 2.0.0 
> #-------(on debian client)
> # dpkg -l | grep -i pup
> ii  puppet-agent                       1.0.0-1wheezy                 amd64 
>        The Puppet Agent package contains all of the elements needed to run 
> puppet, including ruby, facter, hiera and mcollective.
> ii  puppetlabs-release-pc1             0.9.2-1wheezy                 all   
>        Release packages for the Puppet Labs PC1 repository
> # puppet --version
> 4.0.0
> # cfacter --version
> 0.4.1 (commit e9333e184e57106f7ce3fb6b44b05656f417d245)
> # facter --version
> 2.4.3
> # hiera --version
> 2.0.1
> # mco --version
> /opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco 2.8.1
> Also your 4.0 docs have lots of pointers back to 3.7 info, which is also 
> pretty confusing, as well as having links that don't resolve.
>    - 
>     (in the main body) 'pre-install tasks' doesn't resolve, but it does 
>    resolve in the menu on the left
>    - 
>    points to 3.7 docs for the bottom half-dozen links
> Lastly, when installing the agent system, it didn't register the cert 
> request with the master until I ran agent with --test and 'then' started 
> the agent with puppet itself.

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