Yes I am also an RPM man and only chose this route because I thought the 
correct path was puppet with passenger, but reading the docs now I see that 
puppet-passenger is not the path going forward and puppetserver is the way 
now. I installed puppetserver 2.7.2-1puppetlabs1. Is this "puppet 4"? 

I am a few days into puppet and so I am a bit confused.

Thanks again 

On Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 10:05:49 PM UTC-7, Joe wrote:
> Hi All
> Puppet v3.8.7 community on Ubuntu 14 LTS
> I have been attempting to write a class to use the "file_line" type 
> reference from the stdlib library to add multiple lines to a file if these 
> lines are not present. 
> I was attempting to do this with iteration using the each function and 
> tried with static and Hiera arrays. After a few hours of failure I came 
> across the docs for Puppet Enterprise that say this iteration capability 
> was introduced in Puppet 4.
> It looks like this, testdefs is an array in Hiera defined in the nodes 
> yaml config
>  each($testdefs) |$hline| {
>    file_line { 'Append a line to /etc/testfile':
>       ensure => present,
>       line      => "$hline",
>        path    => '/etc/testfile',
>     }
> }
> To be clear I am trying to.. 
> iterate through a Hiera array 
> pass each array member to the file_line type 
> append this member to a file if it does not exist.  
> Is there a way to do this with Puppet 3.x or should I just make a static 
> class with multiple file_line types?
> Thanks

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