grant centauri said :
> well i have a roommate with a Macbook Pro and am spending the next week and
> a half at a house with an iMac (parents).  I've read the bug reports, I
> tried with the info I got from there and seemed to get about as far as you,
> though there was no Linux partition on it to mess with the initramfs...
> still hung there.  I'm also in contact with c.cobb who posted on the bug
> report as well, he is back at it too, in a more general fashion.  I am
> guessing it is possible, but these MacTels put a bunch of weird barriers in
> the way that I have little experience with.

Well, keep us posted on the progress!

> 2. If 1. is successful then we need to test if the mactel key can still
> > boot on a regular PC as well, or what kind of tricks might be possible
> > to have a unique boot system for both mac and pc.
> >
> > 3. Write the software that can generate the right partition table,
> > bootloader and whatnot for the universal key, or provide an option to
> > generate either a mac one or a regular pc key. The final software should
> > preferably be merged with Enrike's code so we can provide a nice CLI +
> > GUI app.
> >
> > Prior to that, it is important to check the status of unetbootin to
> > avoid duplicate work, I do not know for example if all the steps
> > required above could be done within their framework, and if that's the
> > case it would be better to drop our script and contribute to their
> > software with a Puredyne specific profile or something like that.
> >
> personally, i like ! its what showed me what is actually
> going on in the process of making a live USB, and allowed me to problem
> solve when it inevitably goes wrong with one of the many tools that are out
> there.  However, it is certainly worth checking into.

Well, TBH, I think that our needs are so specific that I doubt their
system allows for such fine tuning, but someone (maybe you if you're
already digging in the boot stuff), should check their stuff to be sure
we're not going to reinvent the wheel.

> > > I am willing to do the work but probably need some hints as to where to
> > > begin.
> >
> > What do you think of the steps above?
> > I can give you access to the code repos (writing access) if you want to
> > start hacking.
> >
> >
> they make sense to me, this is my first real foray into the world of
> contributing to a project, but after running through the debian-live manual
> myself and learning a bit about git, i feel like i can at least give it a
> shot.  no better way to learn than by doing.  the Mactel issue is proving to
> be a difficult one, but with c.cobb and others in the community perhaps it
> can be solved.

send a request to join the puredyne-team on launchpad and I'll add you,
then you can start commit stuff to the bzr repos, including the one from
broth, so you can add fluidsynth and co to the DVD profiles :)



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