On Wed, 5 Oct 2016 17:01:23 +0200
Thomas Lamprecht <t.lampre...@proxmox.com> wrote:

> Our reason for this is that a HA enabled service should be *cleanly* shutdown.
> Stopping a VM is like pulling the power cord out, which can be bad :)
> We can re evaluate that. For us HA managed service are thought for service
> which have to run and do that always.
> "Killing" them often seems not very highly available, gracefully shutting them
> down for maintenance or such things seems more correct, or am I missing
> something here?
I think the issue here is that 'Stop' and 'Shutdown' behaves
differently whether used on a HA enabled VM or not.

For a non-HA:
Shutdown: Clean shutdown
Stop: Unclean shutdown

For a HA:
Shutdown: Reboot
Stop: Clean shutdown

So either non-HA misses the reboot option or the HA misses the unclean
shutdown option.

Michael Rasmussen

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