El 10/10/16 a las 23:24, Lindsay Mathieson escribió:
On 11/10/2016 2:05 AM, Eneko Lacunza wrote:
And there are known limits/problems with ext4 for example, and seems that also apply to zfsonlinux

No they do not.
I linked the bugreport, not that I care really :)

Anyway it seems they're getting rid of the filesystem in the near future with bluestore

yes, and this I think is a bad idea. They are dropping the decades of development on linux hardware control to roll their own low level filesystem layer. They are developing a case of NIH syndrome. I don't think it will bode well.
They're not developing a new filesystem (that is the point after all), and yes, it performs much better. :-) Also take into account that some parts of bluestore are pre-existing tech (the DB thing)

But I understand your position, it will need time to stabilize; it's some time that they're working on it and seems that LTS version after Krakken will use bluestore by default; as Proxmox usually lags a bit behind LTS versions, we'll know by other users if it is stable enough when we can use it in Proxmox Ceph Server.


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Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
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