[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:12 -0500:
> Woah, I definitely didnt get things sent out, sorry about that Pete.
> http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/~kschoche/netpipe3-pvfs.tar
> It's a very crude code for right now, and there are some obvious issues 
> with it, but it causes the hangs quite reproducibly.
> There may be a hardcode that I thought I had patched, and not ever 
> exactly patched in the Makefile for the pvfs2 headers.
> Give it a try, it should break something, thats for sure.

I had to futz around a bit to get it to compile against recent
PVFS head.  Here's the tarball in case you want to check I did
not break anything: http://www.osc.edu/~pw/netpipe3-pvfs-pw.tbz

It's been running for 24 hours now, like this:

    while :; do date ; ./NPpvfs -d /pvfs-ib/foo ;\
        ./NPpvfs -D /pvfs-ib/foo ; pvfs2-rm /pvfs-ib/foo ; done

on one client, against six IO servers and one MD server.  Sort of
like your setup, but only 4X openib everywhere.  Let me know if
I should be using different arguments to provoke some bad behavior.

There is one change in my tree that does not exist in the CVS
yet that I can't definitely say would fix anything, but maybe it
does.  The change fixes some 100% load problems on the server.
I'm starting a run now without that fix just too see if I can
cause things to break like you can.

Any advice on how to cause more damage?

                -- Pete
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