See below.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Emmanuel Florac <>wrote:

> Le Mon, 10 Dec 2012 15:50:59 -0500 vous écriviez:
> > I am answering you because Elaine is sick today.
> Oh, sorry for her.
> > Which version of the operating system are you using?  Are you using
> > the 2.8.6 tarball from our website or have you downloaded a different
> > version from our subversion repository?
> I've started with the 2.8.6, the patch applied perfectly.
> > To turn on debugging for the client, assuming you have the kernel
> > module installed, issue the following command:
> >
> > cat /proc/sys/pvfs2/debug-help
> >
> > this produces a list of keywords that can be used to turn on
> > debugging for either the kernel or the client process.  You will see
> > two lists, one for the client and one for the kernel.
> >
> > echo "keyword,keyword..." > /proc/sys/pvfs2/client-debug
> >
> > this command will turn on debugging in the client process for the code
> > identified by those keywords.  The output will go to the client's log
> > file, typically /tmp/pvfs2-client.log.
> >
> > echo "keyword,keyword..." > /proc/sys/pvfs2/kernel-debug
> >
> > this command will turn on debugging for the kernel module.  the
> > output goes into /var/log/messages.
> >
> So simple once you know it, thank you Becky :) I've turned readdir
> debug on on the client and dir on in the kernel.
> So when I'm using ls on the nfs server, I've got the readdir return OK:
> [D 22:30:03.513933] Doing readdir on handle 4611686018427387761 on fs
> 1566777267 [D 22:30:03.514505]  readdir: posting readdir req
> [D 22:30:03.514539] 4611686018427387761|1566777267 | token is
> 2147483646 | limit is 96 [D 22:30:03.515154] *** Got 8 directory
> entries [version 5818163106631074290] [D 22:30:03.515213]  final return
> code is 0
> But on the nfs client, nothing happens. The syscall never gets through.
> If only I could debug as easily the nfs kernel server...

So, do you think NFS is the culprit?  Or, somewhere within the PVFS kernel


> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Emmanuel Florac     |   Direction technique
>                     |   Intellique
>                     |   <>
>                     |   +33 1 78 94 84 02
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Becky Ligon
OrangeFS Support and Development
Omnibond Systems
Anderson, South Carolina
Pvfs2-developers mailing list

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