"Jochen F. Rick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Interesting. Is this with the latest version of ComSwiki. It's fixed in 
> my developer's version, so either way it will be fixed by the next 
> revision if it isn't already.
> Peace and Luck!

Where is the developer's version ? Is there a cvs anywhere ? How can
we contribute on the developer's version ?
The problem was mentioned the 14 February 2002... with the ComSwiki
1.2 (Harvest) see the buglist : http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/swiki/78
I find that there is a lot of improvement possible in swiki, but the
"framework" of contribution is quite poor : no cvs, no efficient
buglist, no developer version... The development seems to be
centralized, the goodies for swiki are on several sites and difficult
to retrieve. For instance, where is "the Quote of The Day" feature
seen on Squeak site ? 
How can we improve the "framework" contribution ? with swiki ?

When do we eat our own dogfood ?

Samir SAIDANI                           
Doctorant en informatique                       web : 
Universite de Caen - Laboratoire GREYC          tel : 02-31-56-74-30
Equipe SMILE - Campus II - 14032 Caen Cedex     fax : 02-31-56-76-30

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