>  Where is the developer's version ? Is there a cvs anywhere ? How can
>  we contribute on the developer's version ?

When I refer to developer's version, I mean my own (that I occasionally 
release). So, there's no way for you to update it. If you have a bug fix, 
send it to the PWS list. So far, I've managed to keep on top of those and 
integrate them with the latest ComSwiki.

A bigger issue (and not very well dealt with) is enhancements. I intend 
to keep the core of ComSwiki very simple. It needs to be easy enough for 
most people to administrate. In fact, I was thinking of moving docs, 
forward and imged to a secondary download for people who want/need that. 
Still, these would be supported. Comments?

Now, as for unsupported enhancements...

I don't know. As you noticed, my "Quote of the Day" enhancement is not 
public. I just don't have time to answer questions about it. That's why 
it's not public. Some of my other enhancements are half-backed. I don't 
like releasing those. So far, my solution is the enhancements page on the 
Swiki Swiki which I would love to contribute more to (once I find the time).

As far as core enhancements, let's discuss them on the list.

Peace and Luck!


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