Hi Andrés,

On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 10:14:44 -0500, Andrés Leonardo González Mancera 
<angon...@uniandes.edu.co> wrote:
> I'm still trying to install boost on my Mac Pro. The process has
> proved to be daunting.
> What I find strange is that the instructions in
> http://wiki.tiker.net/PyCuda/Installation/Mac/EnthoughtPython seem to
> have work for people with my exact same setup. My concrete question is
> if the instruction in the wiki are using EPD 64 bits, or should the 32
> bit version work?

If you use the git version of PyCUDA, you do not need to download and
install boost separately any more. The install documentation has not yet
been updated for this change, but I hope this will make your life
easier. I've been meaning to tell the list about it, but I've been
totally swamped, and Fabrizio ruined the surprise anyway, so there. :)

Once you've cloned the repository and run 'setup.py', it'll complain
that it can't find the boost bits, and it'll tell you a few more git
incantations to fix that problem.

Hope this helps,

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