On Monday 19 December 2011 23:41:14 Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> > That's not a problem, I can match both on the domain and on the prefix
> > -- and I can treat no prefix as yet another match for the prefix.
> > So, wiki.python.org would lead to the python wiki, wiki.jython.org to
> > the jython wiki, etc. plus there would be redirects from
> > wiki.python.org/moin/* and wiki.python.org/jython/*.
> I think what MAL is saying is that you cannot have wiki.python.org/psf
> point to one wiki, and wiki.python.org/ point to another one. If you
> could, it would be ambiguous if wiki.python.org/psf/BoardAgenda
> is a page in the PSF wiki, or in the Python Wiki.

I don't remember the farmconfig limitations, but I'm pretty sure you could get 
Apache to handle this and point /psf to a specific Wiki instance before any 
other instance is offered a chance to handle it.

> I'm not sure whether URL stability has been discussed yet in this
> thread: it's absolutely necessary that the existing URLs continue
> to work "forever", since people are linking to them. Making them
> redirect would be an option if implementable.

I'm also pretty sure that Anatoly mentioned URL stability. I think the 
simplification would be a reasonable enhancement.

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