Related to this:

Since I don't think we can recover more data from the available caches,
it may be a good time to redirect the URL
to a page explaining the problem - perhaps just the blog post at:

Could someone take care to this ?


On 16.01.2013 09:08, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> On 15.01.2013 23:00, Frank Wierzbicki wrote:
>> Just checking to see what is known about the Python and Jython wiki. I
>> know about the breach and I know that everything was deleted. Is the
>> content recoverable? Does anyone know when there will be some update
>> on when/whether the wikis will reappear?
>> I really do appreciate all of the hard work that goes into supporting
>> the infrastructure, so I hope no one reads this as impatience. I just
>> want to be able to pass on any info to the Jython folks that had
>> content on the wiki. There's always the wayback machine to get some of
>> it back if things are as bad as they could be...
> Those updates have been posted to the infrastructure list.
> I'm working on the recovery together with Reimar Bauer and
> Thomas Waldmann (both MoinMoin devs).
> Here's an update I sent to the board list yesterday:
> """
> I've managed to extract all of the data available for
> the public wikis (the latest version of each page). I'm now
> looking into merging this data with the more recent, but incomplete
> data from Yahoo/Bing archives. The Google archive could not be used
> due to a surge protection they have on their site.
> Once this is merged, Reimar will put the HTML files through
> a converter that generates wiki markup.
> However, before setting up the new VM with the recovered data,
> we want to have a closer look at the VM image file Noah made available
> yesterday.
>>From a first inspection it does contain traces of the wiki files
> and even the most recently updated ones from the board
> agenda page.
> Esp. for the PSF wiki this data is important, since we don't
> have any other cache or archive to check.
> If we're successful, we can then create a dump of all the recovered
> data in wiki format to be loaded back into the archive from
> end of June 2012.
> """

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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