On 16.01.2013 00:52, Gregory P. Smith wrote:
> Indeed, thanks for all the work Marc-Andre and everyone else!
> fwiw, archive.org has a reasonably recent copy of a crawl of the site:
> http://web.archive.org/web/20121127091219/http://wiki.python.org/moin/
> Turning that back into mysterious wiki markup and applying changes as
> updates on top of whenever the backup was from if it was indeed older than
> that is likely to be a lot of work.  I'll be happy with whatever you're
> able to recover however you're doing it regardless.

I've been able to recover the pages from archive.org and have also
tried Google cache (which failed due to limits on the number of
allowed requests) and Yahoo/Bing cache. The latter worked, but
only returns a small fraction of the pages we have had in the wiki -
about 300+ pages. They are more recent than the archive.org ones,
though, so I'm trying to merge the Yahoo archive ones back into the
archive.org recovery.

I recovered around 4500 pages from archive.org... in HTML. Reimar
has a tool to convert them back into wiki markup, which we'll
try to use to prepare an import.

Meanwhile I'm also trying to see whether we can still extract some
data from the broken VM image. It does show traces of the wiki
file contents, so the data still exists on the image in some
form. Noah already tried extundelete with no success. I'm going
to give some of the other tools a try as well, e.g. ext4magic
or PhotoRec.

> -gps
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 3:00 PM, fwierzbi...@gmail.com <
> fwierzbi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Jesse Noller <jnol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Noah has a new VM ready to go, however it has old information on it.
>> Marc-Andre is working on recovering more recent versions of the content
>> Thanks for the update! This must have been horribly stressful. :(
>> -Frank
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