On 15.01.2013 23:00, Frank Wierzbicki wrote:
> Just checking to see what is known about the Python and Jython wiki. I
> know about the breach and I know that everything was deleted. Is the
> content recoverable? Does anyone know when there will be some update
> on when/whether the wikis will reappear?
> I really do appreciate all of the hard work that goes into supporting
> the infrastructure, so I hope no one reads this as impatience. I just
> want to be able to pass on any info to the Jython folks that had
> content on the wiki. There's always the wayback machine to get some of
> it back if things are as bad as they could be...

Those updates have been posted to the infrastructure list.

I'm working on the recovery together with Reimar Bauer and
Thomas Waldmann (both MoinMoin devs).

Here's an update I sent to the board list yesterday:

I've managed to extract all of the data available archive.org for
the public wikis (the latest version of each page). I'm now
looking into merging this data with the more recent, but incomplete
data from Yahoo/Bing archives. The Google archive could not be used
due to a surge protection they have on their site.

Once this is merged, Reimar will put the HTML files through
a converter that generates wiki markup.

However, before setting up the new VM with the recovered data,
we want to have a closer look at the VM image file Noah made available

>From a first inspection it does contain traces of the wiki files
and even the most recently updated ones from the board
agenda page.

Esp. for the PSF wiki this data is important, since we don't
have any other cache or archive to check.

If we're successful, we can then create a dump of all the recovered
data in wiki format to be loaded back into the archive from
end of June 2012.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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