Hi Freddie, 

Thanks for your fast response!  This is very useful.



On Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 9:26:44 PM UTC, Freddie Witherden wrote:
> Hi Eduardo, 
> On 18/11/2018 21:06, Eduardo Ramos Fernandez wrote: 
> > BTW, I am having trouble getting from the .VTU files the boundary 
> > elements to do post-processing. I have checked with Paraview and it 
> > seems there is no information about them inside. I would have expected 
> > to be able to get them from the "Physical tags" provided in the GMSH 
> > file. Any advice on this? 
> In the PyFR mesh format boundaries are defined as a sequence of faces. 
> For example, consider the couette flow test case which comes as part of 
> PyFR.  After importing the .msh and running h5ls we see: 
> $ h5ls couette_flow_2d.pyfrm 
> bcon_bcwalllower_p0      Dataset {8} 
> bcon_bcwallupper_p0      Dataset {8} 
> con_p0                   Dataset {2, 81} 
> mesh_uuid                Dataset {SCALAR} 
> spt_quad_p0              Dataset {4, 37, 2} 
> spt_tri_p0               Dataset {3, 10, 2} 
> where the relevant boundary regions are given by the bcon_ prefixed 
> datasets.  Inspecting one of these we find: 
> In []: import h5py 
> In []: import numpy as np 
> In []: f = h5py.File('couette_flow_2d.pyfrm') 
> In []: print(np.array(f['bcon_bcwallupper_p0'])) 
> [(b'quad', 31, 3, 0) (b'quad',  7, 1, 0) (b'quad', 27, 1, 0) 
>  (b'quad', 19, 3, 0) (b'tri',  0, 0, 0) (b'tri',  1, 0, 0) 
>  (b'quad', 17, 0, 0) (b'quad', 32, 2, 0)] 
> where the tuples are of the form (element type, element number, face 
> number, unused).  So the first member of the 'bcwallupper' boundary is 
> face 3 of quad 31.  From this you can trivially obtain the elements 
> which border the boundary.  Such information, however, is not carried 
> over to the .VTU file (which only has the concept of sub-divided 
> elements as opposed to faces). 
> The best solution depends on exactly what information you want from the 
> boundary.  If it is just the solution (and gradients thereof) then this 
> is something which is not too difficult (for example the fluidforce 
> plugin --- which is designed to integrate up forces on boundaries --- 
> does exactly this with minimum fuss and no subdivision). 
> Regards, Freddie. 

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